
Post marked as solved
3 Replies
Doesn't seem to help. The trick would seem to be to delay adding the tintColor and font to the tableview only after the More ... button in the tab bar controller is fired. But I guess I don't see how to delay to that point. If I call the DispatchQueue.main queue from the tab controller's viewDidLoad or anywhere else, for that matter, the code won't wait until the user wants to see the More tableview. That's all under Apple's control, not mine, I think. It didn't hurt to include the code in the main thread, as suggested, but it also didn't help. The forum thread suggested seems to say that it is best to ignore the warning, right?
Post marked as solved
3 Replies
Thank you. Yes. I have a class (following the examples in Apple's App Development with Swift, though I imagine I could use a struct. I read in the spreadsheet, carve it into lines, carve a line at a time into strings at tabs, associate each string with a variable in the class, and then append the line to the Plant array. I will do as you suggest, parsing the image variable into an array of strings as needed by separating the image names at commas. I should have seen this. Thank you for the help.